Saturday, January 26, 2013

49 Random Psychology Facts

  1. Based on the total number of people tested since IQ tests were devised, women have a slightly higher average IQ than men.
  2. Your body is virtually paralyzed during your sleep – most likely to prevent your body from acting out aspects of your dreams. 
  3. All the faces in your dream are of people you have saw throughout your life. 
  4. If a guy stands with his legs apart while with a girl means he likes her. 
  5. Chocolate and shopping are both more addictive than LSD or steroids. 
  6. Children who are breast fed display IQ’s up to 10 points higher by the age of three. 
  7. There is no such thing as multitasking. 
  8. You can only remember 3 to 4 things at a time. 
  9. Blue and red together is hard on your eyes. 
  10. There’s a disorder where you swear your mother is an impostor of your mother. 
  11. You make most of your decisions unconsciously. 
  12. If you cry for more than 12 minutes, it’s self-inflicted. 
  13. You reconstruct your memories. 
  14. You are most affected by brands and logos when you are sad or scared. 
  15. Men, on average, think about sex every 7 seconds. 
  16. You can only feel romantic love for about a year, after that it’s attachment love. 
  17. Women are better than men at remembering faces, especially of females. 
  18. Eating chocolate makes you happy because it contains phenylephylamine - the same hormone the brain triggers when you fall in love. 
  19. When a person permanently loses their sense of smell, they can develop depression. 
  20. Having your shoulders upwards and not forwards means that you’re confident. 
  21. A typical right-handed person tends to look towards their left when remembering something that actually happened (images, sounds and internal dialogue) and towards their right or downwards when they’re making something up. 
  22. You are most attracted to people who have similar facial features as yourself. 
  23. When a person talks fast, it usually means they have a confidence issue. 
  24. If you smile, even if you’re in a bad mood, it will immediately improve your mood, because the simple action of thinking about smiling and using the muscles is enough to trigger happy chemicals in the brain. 
  25. Women are more attracted to guys that resemble their dads and same for guys with their moms. 
  26. You are 12% more likely to be in a good mood if your friends around you are in a good mood, and 8% more if they’re not even in the same region. You’re 6% more likely to be in a good mood if your friends’ friends are in a good mood. You’re only 2% more likely to be happier, in the long run, if you win the lottery. 
  27. The memory is the first part of the mind to begin get worse as you age. 
  28. A human is sexually active all its life from the very beginning. 
  29. Monkeys see showing teeth as a sign of aggression. ( so don’t smile in front of them :p ) 
  30. Even though most of the time you don’t understand your dreams, they’re the reflection of your deepest desires and fears. 
  31. When a person cries and the first drop comes from the right eye, it’s happiness. But when the first roll is from the left, it’s pain. 
  32. Men change their minds two to three times more often than women. 
  33. Women are more fearful and anxious than men. 
  34. Hard rock music played to colonies of termites cause the insects to enter a kind of frenzy and to chew through wood at twice their normal rate. 
  35. 27 % of cards contain just the sender’s signature without a personal message. 
  36. We are the only organism that can turn to cannibalism on itself. 
  37. If you tear the paper off your drink bottles, you’re sexually frustrated. 
  38. People tend to alter their behavior towards others when mirrors are around. 
  39. We have pretty much as many neurons in our heads as there are stars in the sky. 
  40. If you eat in your room you become selfish. 
  41. 3 feet around you is personal space so if someone you hate comes in it then you will get disturbed. 
  42. If you’re curious about whether someone likes you, and are afraid to ask, you can tell by the expression on their friends faces as the one you like is being poker faced. 
  43. Women who wear bright red and vibrant lipstick , are often very sexually active or would like to be. 
  44. Cutting or other forms of self harm gives a sense of relief and proves they are real people. The pain is irrelevant. 
  45. Cops watch red and black sports cars more than any other color. 
  46. When people lie, they tend to discretely cover their mouth or nose. 
  47. People tend to use their hands to show how important a subject matter is to them. 
  48. Blind people dream, but not if they were born blind. 
  49. Members of the opposite sex that smell better to you, you have more genetic compatibility with.

What is the Truth About Lies?


We Are All Liars

Although we might not want to admit it, every single one of us is a liar, having started lying by the time we were three years old.
Estimates of how often we lie range from as little as once a day to as much as two to three lies every 10 minutes.
Despite our expertise in telling lies, we are not so good at separating fact from fiction. Even if we know which body language clues to watch for, we can typically only detect about 54% of lies.

Why We Lie

We might not like the idea of being untruthful, but we justify lying for the following reasons:
  • To shift blame and avoid punishment
  • To save face
  • To avoid conflict
  • To get our own way
  • To get out of doing something
  • To be nice or avoid hurting someone's feelings
  • To make ourselves look better -- for fear of rejection or in order to gain something
  • Because it's easier than telling the truth
  • Because we can get away with it

Types of Lies

Lying is so embedded in our social behavior that we have developed many different kinds of lies, including:
  • Barefaced / bold-faced lies -- obvious lies
  • Big lies -- major lies
  • Bluffing -- pretending that you are going to do something or are capable of doing so when you are not
  • Bulls*** -- misleading nonsense
  • Contextual lies -- giving false impressions by only telling part of the truth
  • Exaggeration -- stretching the truth
  • Minimization -- shrinking the truth
  • Fabrication -- representing something that is made up as the truth
  • Fib - an insignificant or minor lie
  • Half-truths -- lies that contains some element of truth
  • Lying by omission -- deception by leaving out important facts
  • Perjury -- lying under oath
  • Polite lies -- lie told to meet standards of politeness, such as "I really enjoyed the party," or declining an invitation due to "scheduling difficulties."
  • White lies - small lies mostly considered harmless or tactful

Men's Lies vs. Women's Lies

Although some studies suggest that men lie more than women, others find that men and women lie about the same amount, but for different reasons.
  • Men's lies are often intended to make themselves look better to other people.
  • Women's lies frequently strive to make others feel better or to avoid hurt feelings.
  • Men commonly exaggerate their height and earnings.
  • Women commonly minimize their weight and age.
  • Men tend to feel less guilty about lying than women.

Pros and Cons of Lying

  • People who exaggerate their achievements may actually end up fulfilling higher goals for themselves.
  • People who lie to themselves may be happier than those who don't.
  • Frequent liars may be perceived as friendlier than those who are more prone to bluntly telling the truth.
  • Liars may feel guilty and fear getting caught.
  • People who frequently tell significant lies may wind up being viewed as untrustworthy.
  • Honesty is one of the characteristics we most value in others. We don't like being lied to and see it as a betrayal.
  • Telling major lies may be bad for your health: it speeds up your heart rate, raises your body temperature, and makes you tense.

Common Lies

Many lies are repeated countless times daily all around the world. How many of these popular lies have you told?
  • "I'm fine, thanks."
  • "I haven't had too much to drink."
  • "No, your butt doesn't look big in that."
  • "I had no signal on my phone."
  • "You're looking great."
  • "It's not you -- it's me."
  • "My battery died."
  • "The check is in the mail."
  • "I'll call you."
  • "This is delicious."
  • "We're just good friends."
  • "She's in a meeting."
  • "I never got the message."
  • "It was on sale."
  • "I can quit anytime I want."
  • "I'm not ready for a relationship."
  • "I'm too sick to come in."
  • "Sorry, I'm busy that night."

Friday, January 25, 2013

Avoid Some of the Main Brain Damaging Habits

1. No Breakfast – People who don’t eat breakfast have lower blood sugar levels. This can lead to an insufficient supply of nutrients to the brain (and to underperformance in terms of thinking, processing , retrieval and memory skills).

2. Overreacting – This can flood the brain with chemical which interferes with clear thinking, logical analysis and memory.

3. Smoking – This can cause a shrinkage in the brain, and possibly lead to Alzheimer’s disease.

4. High Sugar Consumption – Consuming too much sugar interferes with the absorption of proteins and nutrients. These are essential for healthy brain development.

5. Air Pollution – The brain is the largest oxygen consumer in our body. Inhaling polluted air decreases the supply of oxygen to the brain. Again, this can reduce and interfere with the brain’s healthy functioning.

6. Sleep Deprivation – Sleep allows our brain to rest and rejuvenate itself. Long term sleep deprivation accelerates the death of brain cells. It interferes with putting down new memory traces, effective problem solving and memory retention.

7. Exercising your Brain in Times of Illness – Working or studying during times of sickness can lead to a ineffective thinking, poor processing, and to poor memory and retention.

8. Lack of Stimulation – Thinking is the best way to train our brain. Lack of stimulation can prevent new neural pathways from forming. It can also prevent us from reaching our potential in terms of creative thinking and analytical thinking.
Source: The World Health Organisation

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Tips for Managing your Emotions


1. Practice mindfulness

2. Play, laugh and enjoy the simple things.

3. Develop an attitude of gratitude.

4. Invest in, and nurture, your relationships.

5. Give up your attachment to outcomes.

6. Decide to be adventurous and try new things.

7. Choose to live life at a slower pace, and don’t be driven by a sense ofurgency. 

8. Give up the need to be in control.

9.  Accept that you are human and life won’t be perfect.

10. Don’t compare yourself to others.

Tips To Help Build Up A Healthy Work/Study Habit

Let’s say you have a new activity or project that you like to incorporate into your schedule. This of course requires you to build up a habit. The habit should allow you to stay focus and committed for a long duration of time so that you can get the work done. Here are some tips that can help build up a work/study habit. 

1. Allocate a time slot where you work/study. Preferably, set up this time slot for every day of the week so that the habit builds up faster. Furthermore, most often, we procrastinate or aren’t able to keep up is because we do not consciously put effort into when to get a job done. To overcome this, you need to dedicate a time in the day every day for the work.

2. Work/study at your own pace. You don’t have to rush. You just just have to get some work done even if it’s a little. Little progress a day adds up to a lot of work accomplished over the week. You’ll be surprised and amazed. 

3. Note your progress. We don’t often pay attention to how far we’ve come until we look back to the beginning. Everyday, therefore, keep track of what you’ve done the day and over time you will be happy about the amount of work/accomplishment you’ve made. 

4. Reward yourself. Every time you finish working, reward yourself with free time or spending money. You can also ask your parents for reward. Another way to reward yourself is to note your own progress as this can be self-fulfilling. 

5. Build up a momentum. Once you get started, and you find yourself getting more productive, try to do more and more. Set up more projects and go for them. Don’t get bored by doing the same thing everyday. 


coz you don't even ask it to happen

10 Steps to Self-Care

1. If it feels wrong, don’t do it.
2. Say “exactly” what you mean.
3. Don’t be a people pleaser.
4. Trust your instincts.
5. Never speak badly about yourself.
6. Never give up on your dreams.
7. Don’t be afraid to say “no”.
8.  Don’t be afraid to say “yes”.
9. Resist the need to always have control.
10. Stay away from drama and negativity – as much as possible.
Source: Lessons Learned in Life

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

funny moments ^ _^ miss ma brotha!

i don't care who you are, i just love you with all my heart forever..
thank you for coming into our life and bright us out.

your sister. 


When you're alone, you think. When you think, you remember. When you remember, you feel pain

Friday, January 11, 2013

Delete, delete, delete!!!

does anybody know if there any book bout it?

really wanna read it and then do it! and forget it!
can't take it any longer cause i want to

and just make it as




finally found this song!

setelah sekian lame mencari apakah judul lagu ini, akhirnya aku jmp dgn bantuan google yg super hebat. hahaha..
satu hajat dah termakbul..