Sunday, April 3, 2011

VIvid is Vogue!!!

ok, now the next day after dinner , di studio, tgh bertungkus-lumus buat design tp dalam hati dko risau psl
  • REPORT SITE ANALYSIS( br ari sab2 g UTP siapkn bab acoustic, sumpah grand giler library UTP)
  • REPORT CONSTECH(timber n trip)
whooaaaaaa, mmg mcm giler punye bnyk report n sume nk plg lewat ari selase. n now SUNDAY!!!
Mmmg aku jd bdk OM kn
dgn design lg submit kHamis ni
Model br nmpk tapak.

Now back to the topic, about vivid yesterday, It was great...loving it, But sempit la, mmg x ergono.
msk2 je foyer can see the beautiful background yg colurful giler, then msk je kt tmpt mkn terpaukau tgk the lighting yg hebat 2..
Sumpah bdk2 mmg lapar n gelojoh, org x bace doa lg, ddah melantak, i dunno ape tah name bende 2 bentuk mcm cupckaes tp tgh2 die ltk timun sengkuang then mkn ngn kuah kacang. walaupon x suke timun tp that food mmg yummy!
The main course was the Chicken chop, Ok la, but not as delicious as when I makan at the restaurant dpn office mama. ok i fhm bajet rndh.
The dessert plak was cake psg ltk susu n peach. sygla ltk kek pisang terbantut selere, klu ltk kek chocolate ke mst licin dessert.
But everything i Not bad!!
the dining hall
cantik x entrance die
with the musuh ketat HAFIZ NASIMAN. mls nk gaduh time2 dinner ni
the girlsss~
Half of my batch