Friday, April 20, 2012

case study #2

Architects: Richard Kirk Architect
Location: Noosa, , Queensland, 
Completed: 2008
Structural Engineer: Bornhorst & Ward
Hydraulic Engineer: Cooper & Associates
Photographs: Scott Burrows

Richard Kirk Architect was one of several architects invited in 2005 to participate in the Elysium development which is an ambitious 189 lot boutique housing sub-division on a site to the west of the centre of Noosa on the Sunshine Coast. Elysium initially adopted architecture as the key driver for the amenity and quality of the environment for the entire development.

Lot 176 is the first of the series and is in effect a prototype using the same materials, construction, and spatial ideas as a shared palette. The residence on Lot 176 is located on a ridge along the west of the Elysium development with views to the rear into extant landscape and a golf course beyond. The residence occupies the majority of the allowable building envelope and then provides a carved out two story volume in the centre to allow light and ventilation to all interior spaces.
The carved interior volume provides an internal focus visually and functionally. The inside and outside are united by seamless transitions and the consistent use of a restrained palette of materials. Materials are generally timbers left to weather naturally, zinc, and self-finished oxide renders which will improve their appearance with time, allowing the houses to merge with the landscape with an overall desire for applied finishes to be kept to a minimum.

The organisational strategy was delivered by the topography which allowed the garaging of cars to occur below grade with the living spaces on the ground and sleeping spaces placed above. The removal of the garage spaces from the main living level allowed the main living spaces to link visually and physical along the long axis of the rectangular site and allowed the living spaces to be treated as a field of connected spaces and rooms whilst the bedrooms on the next level are conceived as nests floating above.
The building is largely opened on the short access to allow views out of site with the living level utilising sliding screens to opening the interior completely to the exterior. The long axis walls are largely solid and openings are finely screened with vertical timber to blend with the vertical cedar cladding to give the sense of taught solid volume folding over the long sides.

On the short axis to the bedroom level the openings are finely screened with horizontal timber members which from within allow exterior views whilst presenting a solid volume albeit with a subtle change in texture. The careful screening allows the opening of the building without compromising security or privacy from the adjacent dwellings.

case study #1
Architects: nARCHITECTS
Location: , Hualien, Taiwan
Design Team: Eric Bunge, Mimi Hoang (Principals); Ammr Vandal (Project Architect), Julia Chapman, Tiago Barros, Jack Hudspith, Alana Flick 
Curator: Huichen Wu, Artfield
Structural Engineer: Yan Shi-Feng (steel/concrete)
Bamboo Fabricator: Amis tribe (aboriginal Taiwanese people)
Project Year: 2011
Project Area: 300 sqm
Photographs: Iwan Baan, Florian Claar, Cango Chen

On May 22nd, 2011, framed by green  vaults, Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou stood at a podium inside Forest Pavilion to inaugurate the Masadi Art Festival. Facing a crowd of celebrators, designers, and protesters, President Ma delivered his administration’s vision for a low carbon future.
nARCHITECTS’ Forest Pavilion - completed in May 2011 – serves as a shaded meeting and performance space for visitors to the Da Nong Da Fu Forest and Eco-park in Hualien province, Taiwan. The project was conceived within the context of an art festival curated by Huichen Wu of Artfield, Taipei for Taiwan’s Forestry Bureau with the object of raising public awareness of a new growth forest that is being threatened by development. The pavilion is comprised of eleven vaults built with freshly cut green bamboo, a material first used by nARCHITECTS in the internationally acclaimed 2004 Canopy for MoMA P.S.1. As an extension of techniques developed in 2004’s Canopy for MoMA/P.S.1, the 60’ diameter and 22’ tall pavilion is built with green bamboo. Forest Pavilion was chosen to host the opening and closing ceremonies of the art festival, becoming a focal point for the park.
This new circular gathering space emerges from the ground in a series of eleven green bamboo shading vaults, organized in two rings around a void. The plan is inspired by the rings of a tree, and the different form of the vaults by growth patterns in nature. In the same way that the infinite variety of shapes in a tree emerge from very simple branching rules, the configuration of vault shapes uses a single geometry, the parabolic arch, in a way that could in theory generate endless configurations.

The pavilion is also designed to be used as a small outdoor theater. The circular ring of decking serves as either seating for spectators watching a performance in the central void space, or as a circular stage. nARCHITECTS’ mission was to design a landmark installation suited for the vast scale of its scenic site, while providing a sense of enclosure, shade, and seating for park visitors and various scheduled events. Forest Pavilion’s relationship to the existing site is diaphanous and light – the pavilion sits lightly in its environment with minimal disruption, yet with lighting becomes a beacon at night, underscoring the relative emptiness of the valley.

Hualien County is the traditional territory of the aboriginal Taiwanese Amis tribe. Used for sugarcane cultivation under Japanese rule and eventually passing into the Taiwanese government’s hands, the Forestry Bureau faced criticism for not involving local inhabitants in the planning and development of the Eco Park. While there is broad support for preserving the forest, there are also plans for development by the provincial government, including the construction of a casino. In recognition of the cultural diversity of the region, the pavilion’s vaults, each one presenting a unique ‘gateway’ into the meeting space, sought to formalize this diversity and suggest an opportunity for unity in support of a greater environmental benefit.

Bamboo fabrication for the pavilion was undertaken by the local Amis tribe, masters of bamboo construction. The pavilion introduced to the region the concept of using freshly cut green bamboo, an extension of techniques developed by nARCHITECTS in 2004 for the MoMA/P.S.1 Canopy. Through an exchange of knowledge and ideas about bamboo construction, the Amis became personally invested in the completion of the pavilion, naming the pavilion “Y lu duqai a luma,” Amis for “mountain home.” nARCHITECTS has since granted a request by the Amis to incorporate the green bamboo vault technique into their own bamboo construction methods.

The pavilion hosted the opening day ceremonies for the art festival and Eco-park with dance and music performances, speeches from local and federal government officials, and an address by President Ma. The closing ceremony, a more intimate and local community affair, began at dusk with a lantern parade culminating at the pavilion with a light show. The festival came to a close with both performers and audience uniting in traditional song and dance at the pavilion.


found it on fb.
sekali imbas minah ni mcm aku versi kurus..
dr tepi jela..
mungkin perasaan aku je kot..

same x?

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Nk kurangkn sakit hati?

utk org mcm aku mmg susah.
sbb aku stalker tegar..hahaahah
tp aku nk cuba amalkn ni

butakan mata
pekakkan telinga
keraskan hati

walaupun ko da lihat,dengar, tahu segala-galanya...

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Thank you for making me feel this way!

To those who ever made me feel happy, excited, high, proud,sad, frustrated, down, far, annoyed, shy, lost, love, hatred, disgraced, and etc..

thank you so muchhh. coz you made my life colourful and wonderful..

thank you
terima kasih

Lonely/ Alone/Loner

Forever alone,
ayt bile aku dgr terase sgt pathetic..
hahaa, tnpa aku sedar, aku pn dlm golongan tu jgk.

ntahla, maybe dilahirkn sebagai ank perempuan tunggal dlm keluarga menjadikan permulaan kepada lonely/alone/loner. plus dgn sifat aku yg lmbt mesra n pendiam dengan org yg baru aku knl.
seriously susah sbnrya jd ank perempuan tunggal yg bersifat pasif mcm aku.

mengkeruhkn lg keadaan, masa zaman kanak2 aku, aku dipulaukn dgn kwn2 perempuan sebaye aku. seriously mase zaman tadika aku aku x pernah merasa nk main make up2, masak2 ngn kwn2 sebaya aku. klu main pn either ngn bdk lelaki,adik2 kecik atau kakak2 yg sememang lg tua drpd aku. klu da lg tua tu faham2 la kn, mmg selalu kene buli.patheticX2.

so, disebabkn perkara2 mcm tula aku selalu main dgn bdk2 laki. drg panjt pokok aku aku pnjt, drg panjat tangki air aku panjat, drg main war game aku join. pendek kate mcm2 bende yg kwn laki aku buat, akupon buat.( so da taw knp aku ganas?) nk buat camne, drg je yg boleh menerima aku seadanya.. Miss HIM my childhood friend n  my second crush..hahaha gatai. harap kite boley jd mcm dulu2, x dela akward cam skang ni.

then aku masukla sekolah rendah. mase darjah satu serious aku bodo, kelas ke-7 drpd 10. teruk gilerr..
then sbbkn kebijaksanaan aku lambat nk kuar, dan keluar berperingkat-peringkat, so aku naik kelaspn berperingkat,peringkat. dr 1A7 ke 2A3 ke 3A2 ke 4A1ke 5A1 ke 6 AMANAH(6A1). see meningkat x kelas aku.. mmg dr peningkatan kelas aku nmpk cantik, tp sbnrya aku sgt sgt sgt sgt sgt lonely. aku x pernah aku kwn baik kt sekolah kebangsaan. semua org anggap aku x wujud. first sbb aku pendiam, second sbb ranking aku x la berape bgs third, mayb sbb aku x setaraf drg, seriously kwn2 aku rmi dr golongan berada..haha mungkin perasaan aku je.klu pg trip jln sorang2, klu kwn2 main aku main sorang2. sedih kot. mungkin sbb tu aku ada sifat KE-AKU-AN yg agk menebal kt diri ni

tp aku ade kwn baik kt sekolah agama, AISHA WARSHAF. seriously she made me feel like heaven to have a best friend. we shared almost everything together. and i really really really love her as a friend. she show me a new world. then she left me just like that. mmg sgt2 sedih. x taw ape salah aku, bile tibe2 mase sekolah menengah die kasi aku surat n mintak putus kwn tnp sebab..(haha, mcm putus cinta)
mmg aku rase sgt lost.

but kwn sekolah menengah aku way more better than my elementary school. drg x kisah psl taraf, sifat n whatsoever. drg selalu ajk aku join drg. gurau dgn drg. mmg aku rasa sgt positif mase tu, plus aku baru je lps kene mnyk panas which give me a big trauma until now. drg sgt membantu aku memulihkn emosi aku. Farhan bdk lelaki yg buatkn aku suka nk g sekolah sbbkn lwk2 bodoh die tiap2 hari.hahah you are cool dude. haha, "ko prnh ckp nk amik architecturekn? see aku yg amk dulu..hahaha."

amongst all my friend i met my bestfriends hani, bayy n rita..they gave me my old memori about aisha.
tp mmg x dpt dinafikn bayy n hani mmg sgt2222 rpt. smp aku ngn rita terase..(perempuan, mmgla taching lebih). bile rita pndh sekolah, aku lg la rase mcm tunggul kayu je ngn dorang. ade bestfriends tp mcm x de.boyfriend lgla x de. THEN rase LOnely tu dtg lg..

klu dgn family plak, klu pg jln2 mane2 mst aku akn mengekor mak aku smp die rimas. then kene marah..nk buat camne, aku mmg kurang reti bwk diri. sekse kot hidup sorang. sbb tula jgn heran knp aku suke ckp sorang2, gelak sorang2, senyum sorg2. sbb aku da terbiasa!!! w

bile time2 cuti sem, aku mmg seronok blk rmh, tp bile semua org sibuk dgn keje msg2. aku jd bosan. ade adkpn suke main dgn ank patung. kdg2 keluar dgn ayah. bile aku ddk srg2 kdg2 aku tertnya, knp aku mcm ni? smp bile aku nk mcm ni? ape yg membuatkn aku jd mcm ni? ape aku nk buat? ade kwn2 semua sibuk dgn family msg2..ntahla..sbbkn da terlalu terbiasa, kdg2 aku x kesah ddk srg2. main srg2. mkn srg2. ckp srg2.

tp hati aku, hnya tuhan yg tahu..

mayb sbb kn bende2 camni aku suke lyn lagu2 yg mcm ni.

cnblue- a loner



Friday, April 6, 2012


Cukup! janganla anugerahkn perasaan sayang klu x boleh memiliki. Hati ini sudah tiada ruang utk menanggung luka lagi. T_T

*mood: kenyang makan hati
*cause: dok stalk org yg x sepatutnye
*comment: padan muka ko!!