Yes, dpt jgk upload the pic..weeeee = D.lots of things happened there.This trip is 'sabaek sam'(4 days 1 night) trip.cmmon let's c the pixca..
waiting for 4.30pm ferry from Kuala Kedah
and da smp pon after 1 hour and 45 minutes
first n second night spent at Baron Hotel at Kuah, gile smgt Satu Malaysia (haha) nsb baik exterior je camni klu x kesian mate...but x sangke Baron ni sgt famous kt Langkawi especially at Pantai Cenang bersepah Baron sane sini..
day view of Kuah from hotel..yea, Langkawi sgt lengang mase ni..
River cruise at Sg Kilim, Rm 100/hour/boat. if per person dlm rm 40 cam 2. ad yg lg murah, tp kene pndi carila...
"monyet kt sini pndi berenang" bak kete tour guide 2. ni tercabar ni..haha
Gua Kelawar, x mskpon, da letih msk gua dlu.hehe
family photo on the boat, excluding me : ( what a poor photographer... T_T
meet you again the floating structure ; )
stop jap tgk ikan
yeah, hole in the wall!!!
lets meet the pari yg sgt jinak..
klu berani feedla pari ni. smph aku xkn, tgk die bkk mulutpon da seriau
mr belangkas
lepak jap hujan lebat gilerrrrr~~~
again family photo without me..:(
kt sini ad bnyk kapal2 layar dr oversea port kt sini. each year dorang byr sewa
welcome 2 Gua Buaya. skang dah x de da buaya da..
self pic yg x bley bla..
woaaaa, bnyknye helang~~
can u see the elevation of the baby face???
like hollywood la!!!
can u c the biawak? x nmpk x pe, da abs zoom da still x dpt the best shoot
dinner at Cenang, yum2 the SEAFOOD!!! freakingly delicious!!
fresh kn, terbaik dr laut!!!
patiently waiting for food~
night life at Cenang, gempak siot!!!
smp sini saje post kali ni, nnt smbg lg ek. ad lg ni, just bnyk sgt nk keneUPloadla~