Sunday, April 24, 2011

owh! doppleganger~~~

Recently i'm having fun with the celebrity look alike ha..: )
even dah nk exam n design still x siap.menyempat tul..
this generator is 4 korean freak/ celebrity freak like me....if u want 2 c whether your face look alike a celebrity n want 2 see who is it n how much you look alike them , try it:
serious best!!! =)))))
can you see how excited I am???
n here's some pic that i already tried, including my friend n celebrity itself pictures..
jang geun suk
eraz lg

n now my pic, ade yg kelakar taw...


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

AARGHH!!!dah lame saye x semarah ni!!!

Ok, firstly, i don't care org nk ckp ape..
-eh bengongla ko ni, sbb bende ni pon nk emo
-pleasela, mcmla ko bley kawenpon ngn die
-tah ape2la ko ni.
and etc....
but this is my obsession k.
even mmg kite taw he just a normal human being that has feeling tooo,
but he's the one choose to become entertainer, n of course his job is to entertained people.
but i'm soooo mad right now..= o.
you'll know after reading this k..

Khuntoria caught kissing at a baseball game??

The love story between “We Got Married” couple Victoria and Nichkhun is just so sweet that it makes even the most jaded heart wish that there was something more to their virtual relationship. Well, prepare to feel your hearts melt Khuntoria fans, because these two might actually be dating for real!

Well, we wish anyway.

The couple participated in an opening pitch event for the Doosan Bears on April 19th, after which they stuck around to watch the game. Though Khuntoria is known for being quite affectionate with one another, fans gasped with surprise when they saw pictures of Nichkhun kissing Victoria’s cheek! And that’s not all. Victoria was snapped draping her arm comfortably across Nichkhun’s back as they focused on the game.

It’s true that that they were recording an episode for “We Got Married” at the time, but we can’t help but hope that these two really did want to show their love for one another publicly.

I'm so damn frustrated!!!

Monday, April 18, 2011


Each person has ever feel that kind of feeling it as same as where you are in a situation that you'll only need to choose ONE things even both of it are VERY IMPORTANT to you.
or what Malay said ditelan mati emak, diluah mati bapak.

So, what's the points I'm talking about this right now????
hahhaahah,, only God's Know..
It taste bittersweet....delicious???ask yourself!
Why this happens?? NAL MOLLA!!!
To who I point it? only he/she knows!!( if that person read this blogla)
To who whom read this, just pretend that it's normal to express this kinda thing k...
sometimes I need to say it out loud
It's hard to keep it inside all the times....

think back, love is VERY UNIVERSAL ~

And this song is my wish to you,
Eventhough i don't really read this lyric thouroughly, but the i hope you had the time of your life part is what i want you to know.~~

Thursday, April 14, 2011

home, home,home~

wah, betape sukenye saya stelah sekian lame x blk n finally dpt blk..bahagie giler even blk skejap je pown.
excited sngt smp nk share kt sume org..
iyela da lbh sebulan x blk kot..dgn bnyk stress yg melande ni lgla bertmbh2 rase nk blk umh..nk amk penawr jmp family..

Saturday, April 9, 2011

HAHAHA...mulakn pagi dgn memalukan

ok, fine x taw la ape hal la pg2 ahad ni aku dah la memalukan diri kn..
hahahahaa,,gelak dulu....

ok, last night i dah promise dgn someone nk kejut die coz kiteorg nk wat groupwork..
dah plan baik punye la!! hahaha gelak lg..

then dgn semangatnye i bgn pg2.. n call die..
first call x angkt.. so i siap2 dlula, then afterthat i call lg, kali ni dgr suare operator cine.. aik, dah pelik dah, x penah2 dpt cam 2.
so, i just buat bodoh je la trus bkk lappy..
x lame lps 2 call die blk, then ADE BANGLA ANGKAT.hahahahahaha
rupe2 rupenye yg smgt i call pg2 2 is other person!!!!
tibe2 hlg smgt nk call that person.....

Friday, April 8, 2011

Kenapa perlu memilih arkitek sebagai teman hidup?

1. Arkitek sangat sabar orangnya.

Bukti: Tak caye?? Dah la pengajian diorang 5 tahun.. Fuuu, memang diorang banyak sangat bersabar. Kalau tak sabar memang tak abes tau pengajian diorang. Dah la selalu kena marah, kena sound, kena 'tembak' ngan client kalau design diorang x best..

Kelebihan: Jadi anda jangan takut untuk marah2kan pasangan anda sekiranya mereka wat salah. InsyaAllah mereka akan sabar menempuh dugaan tersebut. Tapi jangan over sangat, marah-marah sayang tu ok la..

2. Arkitek tak kisah berjaga malam.

Bukti: Tak dapat dinafikan lagi arkitek terpaksa bekerja hingga lewat malam untuk siapkan tugasan dan assignment diorang.

Kelebihan: Nanti kalau baby anda lambat tido atau nak tukar lampin lewat2 malam, jangan rasa bersalah untuk suruh pasangan anda je uruskan! InsyaAllah mereka akan menganggap itu adalah perkara biasa.

3. Arkitek adalah lebih romantik berbanding profesen lain.

Bukti: Semua benda diorang wat adalah ngan sepenuh hati. Kalau tak, kerja diorang tak 'touching', nanti client reject.

Kelebihan: Alamilah gaya hidup bekeluarga macam dalam citer Korea yang anda suka tengok tu! (Opsss!!). Dan selalu-selalulah merajuk, sebab nanti beliau akan pujuk anda dengan sangat romantik! Tapi jangan selalu, nanti beliau tak kuasa nak layan.

4. Jimat kos buat rumah.

Bukti: Dah terbukti mereka bleh design rumah macam2 pesen..

Kelebihan: Anda bleh suruh ape saja ikut suka hati anda nak rumah cane, dan tanpa bayaran sehingga akhir hayat. Kalau pasangan anda minta gak, sah lah beliau tengah tade projek (pokai).

5. Rumah bersepah tak ape.

Bukti: Studio dan bilik diorang lagi bersepah! (Bukti berupa gambar tidak dibenarkan disiar demi menjaga imej arkitek)

Kelebihan: Jadi anda takyah la bimbang kalau rumah selalu bersepah. InsyaAllah pasangan anda boleh je tahan. Tapi anda jangan selalu wat perangai lagu ni. Kang beliau cari lain!

6. Kretip.

Bukti: Hasil kerja dan design arkitek memerlukan kretiviti yang tinggi untuk disukai oleh client.

Kelebihan: Kekretifan itu secara tak langsung akan mempengaruhi rumahtangga arkitek. Jangan risau, setiap ulangtahun perkahwinan anda akan diraikannya dengan cara yang anda mungkin tak menduga. Kalah citer Korea! (Itu pun kalau beliau tak lupa la).

7. Sensitip.

Bukti: Mereka perlu sensitif untuk menghasilkan design yang kemas dan teliti. Mereka jugak perlu sensitif dengan persekitaran untuk hasilkan design yang baik.

Kelebihan: Kalau anda ade masalah, moody, emo tetiba atau tak seperti biasa, insyaAllah pasangan anda akan perasan. Cuma beliau nak tanya atau biarkan je anda layan feeling, itu saye tak tau la.

8. Secure!

Bukti: Dalam mendesign sesuatu bangunan, arkitek kena pastikan safety first! Kalau x safety bangunan/rumah tak dapat CF (Certificate of ... ape ntah). Kira sijil layak menduduki la.

Kelebihan: Tak perlu lagi risaukan keselamatan anda, anak2 anda, rumah anda dan harta benda anda! Pasangan anda telah pun memastikan semuanya selamat. Andai berlaku sebarang kejadian tak diingini, cari je beliau. InsyaAllah beliau akan cool je menghadapinya.


Kesimpulan: Justeru itu, apa anda tunggu lagi?? Hahahaha (gelak poyo). Hubungilah mane-mane firma arkitek untuk berkenalan dengan mereka. Haha. Tapi jangan kaco laki orang sudey..

hahahsaa,.. interesting fact to X 1000

Read and enjoy~~~~ ^ _^

haha, my desk top picsss

seriously I'm Korean freak.
all of the picss for sure not mine
each time i see the picss i'll smile by myself..hehe
2 bese ar
they really cure my tense
sorry there's no girlss
bcoz i'm a girl who love a BOY!!
can u guest their names?//??/

Thursday, April 7, 2011

What A Nice CANDID!!

this kind of pic, can release my tension...
what on earth!!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


hurm, mcm2 bende yg buat aku jd x menentu, first mestila design, second i miss my family n third...............
i feel so tense and i don't know my fate next..

Sunday, April 3, 2011

VIvid is Vogue!!!

ok, now the next day after dinner , di studio, tgh bertungkus-lumus buat design tp dalam hati dko risau psl
  • REPORT SITE ANALYSIS( br ari sab2 g UTP siapkn bab acoustic, sumpah grand giler library UTP)
  • REPORT CONSTECH(timber n trip)
whooaaaaaa, mmg mcm giler punye bnyk report n sume nk plg lewat ari selase. n now SUNDAY!!!
Mmmg aku jd bdk OM kn
dgn design lg submit kHamis ni
Model br nmpk tapak.

Now back to the topic, about vivid yesterday, It was great...loving it, But sempit la, mmg x ergono.
msk2 je foyer can see the beautiful background yg colurful giler, then msk je kt tmpt mkn terpaukau tgk the lighting yg hebat 2..
Sumpah bdk2 mmg lapar n gelojoh, org x bace doa lg, ddah melantak, i dunno ape tah name bende 2 bentuk mcm cupckaes tp tgh2 die ltk timun sengkuang then mkn ngn kuah kacang. walaupon x suke timun tp that food mmg yummy!
The main course was the Chicken chop, Ok la, but not as delicious as when I makan at the restaurant dpn office mama. ok i fhm bajet rndh.
The dessert plak was cake psg ltk susu n peach. sygla ltk kek pisang terbantut selere, klu ltk kek chocolate ke mst licin dessert.
But everything i Not bad!!
the dining hall
cantik x entrance die
with the musuh ketat HAFIZ NASIMAN. mls nk gaduh time2 dinner ni
the girlsss~
Half of my batch